
Friday, 1 January 2016

#Lookingback #itsbeenagreatyear #grateful

1.1.16 - Happy New Year! =D

Actually I wanted to write this before the New Year, but somehow I wasn't able to do so, but nvm because now here's the time and opportunity to write one! So here how it goes......

2015, a wonderful years spent in God's grace and celebrated every precious memories with my loved ones, it was a great so I've decided to write a post about some of my most significant moments of the year, so that one day I might need to look back and smile at it! xD

Of course, each and every one of these memories are precious and irreplaceable, so there's no means of comparing and placing as they all represented the memories of my previous years =)

Ok, let's start!

1 - 一个说走就走的旅行,JB篇!=)


我还是比较喜欢这一张,很有艺术的feel ~_~

2 - Z1 手机失联事件

这我也不想多说了,很......唉哎哎~每逢想起就会很伤心透顶!真的觉得自己很傻很粗心!很想给自己一巴掌!!!= ( 要是当时小心谨慎一点事情就不会发生!(Note: Never EVER! take things for granted!) 不过我后来发现,神是要让我学习更珍惜,更爱自己+身边的人,感恩哪!


3 - Practical teaching

Undergone 2 phases of practical teaching, and I must say it was an interesting and meaningful time of my life! I realised that things ain't easy at all, it takes countless effort and time in planning only a simple 30mins lesson plan, and you might get rejected sometimes! Forgot to mention the long hours of sleepless night + $$ that you will need to "invest" for a good lesson, in exchange of a better grades and pointers, but all and all, it was a good experience. Without my concern and permission, i'm going to have another go at the end of this month, and trust me, I'm NOT ready at all for this. -.-

4 - A great loss



5 - 灵命成长篇


6 - Musical nite

第一次在musical nite唱歌(过去三年audition了都没过,今年参与的人数少所以连audition都不用就直接进xD)!很兴奋很开心!虽然没唱得很好(不知道在场的观众有没有听到,我尝到中间的时候忘词了,不过还来得及救回来xD),但很享受在这个过程当中!=D 不过可惜的是,今年没有跳舞哦,可惜 =(

7 - 兄弟团初体验


8 - 舞蹈


9 - 车,感恩 =)


10 - 遇见爱


就这样啦,写完了~这是的我也已准备好面对新的一年的美好深刻的precious memories!;-)

See u~

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