The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.
Points to ponder upon (Purpose Driven Life, Day3)
1 ACCEPT what's unchangeable.
- Letting go, literally.
2 TRUST in God's loving care.
- Depend on Him, at all times. Both good and bad times.
3 SURRENDER to God's loving control.
- Stop resenting God for anything bad that happened. It's all for the best of you.
Something bout' MYself =)
My place, just me...
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Saturday, 14 January 2017
It's been a while... Hi! =)
It's been a while since my last update, almost shut this whole blogging thing down =O but luckily I didn't.
Honestly, I'm sad... and disappointed and heartbroken. Yes. you've read it.
I'm single again. (Great...)
Don't ask me why cos' I'll get mad if you do, and I hoped that you won't be the one spreading and telling others about this (privacy please!) upon reading it. But CLEARLY there's aLOT happening between us. I mean, between GOD n ME, which is why I messed up. SO badly.
I know, God is good... all the time... and yes, I've learnt my lesson from this.
Which is why, as this year's resolution - I just wanna reset my focus and me myself, toward God once again, WHOLEHEARTEDLY.
WHY? Because I know that, my connection/relationship with God were off (for quite a loooooonnnnggggg time.), so things happened. I regretted it, I do. I regretted that I wasn't paying much attention to Him, and I didn't care about Him, and my focus was off from Him.
I admit that during this relationship with that girl, not only that I LOVE/respect her, but the worst was that I was so immersed in this relationship till the extent that I've IDOLISED HER! (No wonder things went wrong.)
SO yea, thank God for showing me that everything went wrong, and once again led me back to where He wanted me to. Although it hurted SO MUCH.
So ya, I'm sure that I'll be spending much/all of my time, on God. But don't worry, I'll be fine.
Thank you for all the love n support from those who cared and helped me along the way, showing me n guiding me on this matter. I believed that God is helping me through their kind acts upon me.
So ya, I'll be fine. It's all God's will, and He knows what's best for me. I'll just have to reconnect with Him and learn to serve Him, before I serve (hopefully not to idolise someone else again) others.
I'm done writing. Thank you for you time on this and have a blessed day.
Honestly, I'm sad... and disappointed and heartbroken. Yes. you've read it.
I'm single again. (Great...)
Don't ask me why cos' I'll get mad if you do, and I hoped that you won't be the one spreading and telling others about this (privacy please!) upon reading it. But CLEARLY there's aLOT happening between us. I mean, between GOD n ME, which is why I messed up. SO badly.
I know, God is good... all the time... and yes, I've learnt my lesson from this.
Which is why, as this year's resolution - I just wanna reset my focus and me myself, toward God once again, WHOLEHEARTEDLY.
WHY? Because I know that, my connection/relationship with God were off (for quite a loooooonnnnggggg time.), so things happened. I regretted it, I do. I regretted that I wasn't paying much attention to Him, and I didn't care about Him, and my focus was off from Him.
I admit that during this relationship with that girl, not only that I LOVE/respect her, but the worst was that I was so immersed in this relationship till the extent that I've IDOLISED HER! (No wonder things went wrong.)
SO yea, thank God for showing me that everything went wrong, and once again led me back to where He wanted me to. Although it hurted SO MUCH.
So ya, I'm sure that I'll be spending much/all of my time, on God. But don't worry, I'll be fine.
Thank you for all the love n support from those who cared and helped me along the way, showing me n guiding me on this matter. I believed that God is helping me through their kind acts upon me.
So ya, I'll be fine. It's all God's will, and He knows what's best for me. I'll just have to reconnect with Him and learn to serve Him, before I serve (hopefully not to idolise someone else again) others.
I'm done writing. Thank you for you time on this and have a blessed day.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
糟糕......真的好累,也写不下去了......need to………rest………for now…………*_* @_@ z_z
糟糕......真的好累,也写不下去了......need to………rest………for now…………*_* @_@ z_z
Friday, 4 March 2016
我也很喜欢这一句英文形容词 - Concrete jungle. 这是城市的意思。Concrete(钢骨水泥 = 建筑物),jungle (森林),意思就是城市是一座以建筑物来代替树木的“现代人类森林”。
We live in a concrete jungle, explore and experience life every single day, whenever possible.
现在的我,很想去我梦寐以求的地方,纽约。看看那里的夜景,也希望能在晚上的时候,在纽约著名的时代广场(Times Square)潇洒地走一回。看看那里的风土人情,把自己迷失在这繁忙艳丽的不夜城当中。
你呢?你喜欢看夜景吗?科科 ;-)
Sunday, 14 February 2016
过年post =)
来吧来吧~来看看我的新年post!一则关于我新年的消息!我跟家人+朋友们一起过的新年post!看了心情自然会好起来哦!= )
过年的market |
团圆饭= ) |
卤鸭好好吃~ =3= |
这个也好吃~=3= |
过年当然也少不了酒(可是我对酒精敏感,不能喝) |
自拍一下,科科... |
这张不错,xD |
bai年咯~=D |
一路上都在等飞机,好久=.= |
姐姐刚好也有去=) |
从sarikei来sibu的时候,搭了著名的“8B”巴士,下站时来到了久违的ferry terminal。 |
说真的,现在回想起来,也已有四年没回到这里地方了。 (当年是要去lifegame的时候) |
不过还是一样,都没变过。。。 |
在等待的过程中水土不服,病了=..= |
昨晚在sibu机场等了差不多6++小时后,终于在凌晨1点回到家了,好累... |
过年少不了的全家福!=D |
Monday, 8 February 2016
#终于过年了 #新年蒙恩 #长话短说
其实,很想写很多东西的。。。但因为太累了so 没办法咯,慢点再写呗 =..=
(刚才找了些过年的照片,觉得挺好看的,就分享一下吧=] )
g'nite =)
其实,很想写很多东西的。。。但因为太累了so 没办法咯,慢点再写呗 =..=
(刚才找了些过年的照片,觉得挺好看的,就分享一下吧=] )
这张很可爱很调皮xD |
这张好有艺术feel~~ |
而这一张,好酷哦~哈哈不知道明年到我的(鸡)年会是怎么样的呢? |
g'nite =)
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